AutiSpot is aimed at being one integrated stop for the autistic community. A cumulative platform to detect Autism via Machine Learning & Neural Networks also providing several functionalities such as; personalized communication boards to help develop cognitive abilities in children, a Social networking platform to connect the 'ASD'.Autism Spectrum Disorder community and much more.
As a research assistant, at Muffakham College of Engineering & Technology, I worked under the guidance of professor Dr. Syed Shabbeer Ahmad to conduct a research on detecting ASD in toddlers before it's onset, and curating innovative approaches to improve their cognitive performance using Neural Networks and Deep Learning. We completed the study, developed a prototype and presented the research at the 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS), now published at IEEE. We were awarded the Most Innovative Major Project of the CS Dept. MJCET for our contributions.
Key-Feature Breakdown:
◦ Autism Detection Using Machine Learning
◦ Autism Prognosis using Neural Networks:
◦ Personalized Communication Boards
◦ Automated Todos
◦ Social Networking Platform
Technologies Used:
◦ JavScipt, Python
◦ MySQL, Flask
◦ NLP, OpenCV, Convolutional Neural Networks (VGG19) & Supervised Learning Techniques (Random Forest, Decision Trees etc.)
◦ HTML, CSS, AngularJS
Autism Detection Using ML & CNN
Upon performing exploratory data analysis and feature
engineering on raw data, three supervised machine learning
algorithms namely logistic regression, decision tree and k
nearest neighbour are used to classify data for diagnosis. The
users are required to fill a checklist consisting of a set of
questions based on behavioural, health, and hereditary
parameters. A report is generated to display the results based
on the predictions.
Additionally, The VGG19 model is imported from tensorflow keras
in addition to the pre-trained weights on the ImageNet dataset
to perform feature extraction, fine-tuning and predictions on
the provided dataset. The hyperparameter (epochs) that
explicates the number of occurrences that the learning
algorithm runs through the dataset is performed in ten
iterations. The system expects the end user to upload an image
and based on the analysis provided by the CNN model, the
system projects the result of the person being autistic or not.
Personalized Communication Boards
The module that lets users select boards, hear sounds
and words pronounced aloud that can help them verbally
communicate their needs. This kind of distinction of words
and frequently communicated gestures are provided through
this module which helps the autistic people overcome their
most noticeable barrier of communication. This module also
provides the functionality to utilize the personalized
communication boards provided with filters to help them
convey their thoughts by simply tapping on the cards to
generate sentences. In order to generate the speech,
synthesis service which regulates the creation of speech using
textual content provided, the following interfaces of the Web
Speech API is used.
Some of the methods used include: speak(), pause(), resume(), and getVoices()
Automated Todos
The primary objective associated with this module is
to facilitate users via an intuitive user interface to organize,
prioritize daily tasks and reinforce them by enhancing these
abilities. The system is devised using flask and a MYSQL
database to store tasks, and users are provided with a list of
frequently performed activities. The users can also add tasks,
mark them as complete or incomplete as well as view the total
tasks to be performed in a day, ones that have been performed
and tasks yet to be completed. The tasks can also be deleted
once no longer required or can be recursively used just by
updating the status of the to-do for the day. In order to make the tasks visually comprehensible,
images and other interactive features are included.
Social Networking Platform
People in the autism spectrum often feel overwhelmed during
interactions. This feature emphasises on facilitating them by
augmenting their participation in the community, enhancing
their social skills and by providing a platform to display their
talents. The system is developed using the SQLAlchemy
Toolkit extension provided by Flask which is an object
relational mapper that maps object parameters to the
underlying database table structure and converts function calls
to SQL statements implicitly. Features include add posts,
like/dislike posts, bookmark, comment, view later, search posts by name or tags, create personal profiles, etc.