Research & Development
Empowering Innovation: My Journey Crafting Solutions Through Academic and Industrial R&D
Throughout my academic journey and professional tenure, I have actively engaged within R&D in the fields of AI, IoT & Robotics, contributing to the conception and realization of numerous solutions.
As a research assistant, at Muffakham College of Engineering & Technology, I worked under the guidance of professor Dr. Syed Shabbeer Ahmad to conduct a research on detecting ASD in toddlers before it's onset, and curating innovative approaches to improve their cognitive performance using Neural Networks and Deep Learning. We completed the study, developed a prototype and presented the research at the 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS), now published at IEEE.

The proposed architecture also introduces a system for parents/guardians to identify potential disorders through checklists and image uploads(OpenCV) & it guides them to nearby care centers for evaluation. Additionally, it integrates an automated interface for daily tasks and a customizable communication board, complemented by a supportive social networking platform for medical discussions, encouragement and talent showcasing.

Robotics & IoT
Post the hackathon, I collaborated with Dr. K.Sridevi and published a research paper as the lead author entitled IoT-based Comprehensive Approach Towards Shaping Smart Classrooms at the 2021 Fifth International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud.
Smart classrooms?
This endeavor stemmed from the realization that features once exclusive to high-performance computers are now accessible through portable devices, particularly smartphones, revolutionizing how information is stored and accessed.
Inspired by a hackathon!
During a state-level hackathon with 200+ teams, my team developed a cost effective IoT solution powered by an AI based mobile application to digitize any classroom. The application included creating personalized digital lecture records, generating documents using OCR, capturing attendance utilizing computer vision,

while also minimizing power consumption via camera-based presence detection and remote appliance control. Additionally, we designed a smart door mechanism tailored for pandemic safety measures and accessibility support. Fortunately, we were declared the winners!